Monday, June 28, 2010

Fruit Pizza

This is my first post on this blog! My name is Emily, and if you ever want to know more about me, I blog HERE. First, I'd like that thank my cousin Lanette for inviting me to contribute to this blog. Second, I need to apologize for not posting sooner :) She invited me months ago, and I've been slow to respond. Anyway, I know this blog doesn't get a ton of use, but there really are some yummy recipes on here, and I hope to share a few in the near future.

The recipe I'm posting today has become one of my summer-time favorites! It's easy, it uses a lot of yummy fruit, and it's absolutely delicious!

  • 1 1/2 cup powdered sugar
  • 8 oz. cream cheese (softened)
  • 1/2 cup cool whip (I always use more)
  • sliced up fresh fruit of any variety
  • sugar cookie dough

Please note that I forgot to put the powdered sugar in the picture... DON'T forget it in the recipe :) Also - you'll see I've substituted 'Ready Whip' for Cool Whip. It really tastes the same either way. I've just decided to use the stuff in the can because it uses real cream instead of corn syrup and hydrogenated vegetable oil (those are the 2 main ingredients in Cool Whip).

As far as the fruit goes, you can do any variety you choose! As you can see I did strawberries, blueberries, bananas, kiwi, and green grapes. You can also use raspberries, blackberries, apple slices, mandarin oranges, purple grapes, etc. Anything really!

Heat the oven to the temp. listed on the cookie dough package. Lightly spray the pan with cooking spray, then spread the cookie dough on a cookie sheet or a round pizza sheet. We don't have a round one, so I go with the rectangle. The cookie dough never covers the whole thing (it doesn't look very pretty that way, but you can always put in on a different platter to serve it). Push it down pretty thin. It will cook up a little thicker

Bake it for the time listed on the package.

While it's baking, wash and cut up the fruit

When the cookie crust is done, set it aside to cool. It should pretty much be completey cool before you put on the topping.

For the topping, mix together the cream cheese, powdered sugar, and cool whip. The original recipe (which I got from my mom) say to only put a 1/2 cup of cool whip in. I always add at least double that. Do what you prefer. If you want the cream cheese flavor to come through more, then add less cool whip. If you like cool whip better, add more!

Whip it up until it's nice a creamy.

Once the cookie cookie crust is cooled, spread the topping over it

Then just add your fruit! You can do it any way you want: totally random, or in a pattern. I usually cut it into pieces before I add the fruit. You don't have to do it that way.

Once it's done, chill it for about 30 minutes before serving.

Enjoy! I always get so many compliments when I make this. It's definitely one of my favorites!

1 comment:

Lanette said...

Okay, this looks amazing, and I love the way you added more pictures and formatted this. And I really want fruit pizza now! Yum! Thanks so much for posting this Emily!